24. 03 2021 - 10:00 - 12:00

Nordic Circul­ar Events 2021 Kic­koff

@Rafrænn viðburður

Welcome to the first Nordic Circular Hotspot 2021 seasonal event.

On March 24, we will launch the Nordic Circular Hotspot Partnership Programme for market development, and warmly welcome our first Finnish managing partner—Business Finland, the government organisation for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion. Join in to learn about the Finnish bio economic approach to circular value creation, and find out how you can join the circular movement.

The greenest country on the planet, Finland has world-class know-how in developing innovative bio-based products and technologies. It is also a world leader in circular solutions, which help solve local and global problems. For example, everything that is made out of oil today can be made out of wood tomorrow — and Finland is already doing it! As a small Nordic nation, it has always been in Finland’s nature to preserve what is valuable. The Finns have the resources, experts and know — how to create world-changing innovations.

Join in to learn about their approach to the bio and circular transition, both from a public and private sector perspective. What can we learn from Finland? What is the potential for Finnish innovation in the Nordic market today and vice versa?

After a 10-minute break, we will present to you the Nordic Circular Hotspot’s brand-new Partnership Programme. Learn more about our attractive partnership opportunities and how you can join the region’s rapidly-growing circular economy movement. We look forward to seeing you at our exciting — and first — joint Nordic Circular Hotspot – Business Finland webinar of the new year.

Moderated by Nordic Circular Hotspot managing partners: Einar K. Holthe (CEO of Natural State), Marika Ollaranta (Head of Bio and Circular Finland Programme, Business Finland) and Cathrine Barth (Founder of Circularities)


  • Circular Nordics 2021
    Einar Kleppe Holthe, CEO
    Natural State
  • BioCircular Finland opening words
    Marika Ollaranta, Head of BioCircular Program
    Business Finland
  • Finnish BioCircular Innovation Roadmap
    Jarmo Heinonen, Senior Director, Innovation Ecosystems, Industries
    Business Finland
  • Future of biomaterials
    Jussi Manninen, Executive Vice President
  • Kick start your bio-based business in Finland
    Helvi Väisänen, Senior Advisor
    Business Finland
  • Biobased solutions company cases:
  • Pyroll Packaging
    Tapani Holappa, Sales Director
  • Nordshield
    Kristoffer Ekman, CEO
  • Spinnova
    Pia Qvintus, Business Development Director
  • Nordic perspective on bio economy
    Cathrine Barth, Circular Strategist
  • Interactive panel discussion with speakers and Q&A from the audience
  • 10 minute break
  • Presentation of the Nordic Circular Hotspot Partner Programme for market development
  • Meet our first new partners
  • Q&A dialogue with the audience

Registration and further information: Nordic Circular Hotspot 2021 Events Kickoff — Nordic Circular Hotspot

  • Þessi viðburður er öllum opin og fer fram á ensku
  • Festa er einn af “managing partners” Nordic Circular Hotspot – samtökin má kynna sér nánar hér Nordic Circular Hotspot

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