10. 05 2022 - 10:30-12:00
CSR Europe, sem Festa á aðild að býður til viðburðar þar sem kynnt verður átak og “pilot” verkefni sem snýr að því að auka atvinnutækifæri innflytjenda í Evrópu: The European Leadership Network on Ethnic Diversity & Inclusion. Þarna má kynna sér reynslu annara og heyra af framtíðar áformum CSR Europe og fyrirtækja sem þarna koma að.
Unequal access to employment is forcing 5.7 million immigrants to live in extreme poverty in Europe. This overlooked pool of talents represents a miss opportunity for businesses, which must be engaged in the conversation and act to tackle this common challenge.
Building on the learnings and tools developed in the Belgian pilot project (link with further information: Business Uniting Talents (BUT) 2030, A New Way Forward to Foster Ethnic Diversity & Inclusion — CSR Europe), CSR Europe will transform Business Uniting Talents 2030 (link) into a European collaborative platform where leading companies can engage practically for the promotion of ethnic diversity and inclusion in the European labour market.
Interested companies are invited to join this webinar to receive detailed information about the set-up of this upcoming collaborative platform
Menntavegur 1
101 Reykjavík